Making Pollinators More Welcome In The Garden

If you want to help pollinators out in your garden, considering elements such as color, scent, shape, and bloom time will help you maximize the benefits your garden can deliver.
If you want to help pollinators out in your garden, considering elements such as color, scent, shape, and bloom time will help you maximize the benefits your garden can deliver.
As the school year is kicking off, one thing you might want to incorporate into your child’s study is a garden. Numerous studies show spending time in nature or a garden is good for...
Many of us have come to realize that our natural resources are not limitless. Conservation and recycling are necessary actions to preserve these resources for future generations. Water may be the...
As I write this we’re coming to the end of another 90 + degree day. Is there a better topic to write about than cool, refreshing water? It just feels cooler to write about it and I find...
Ornamental grasses deliver a significant return on your investment. They bring interesting textures to the garden, as well as movement and even sound as they dance in the breeze. You can find...
Early in my personal gardening odyssey, I accidently came across a distinctive method of growing trees and shrubs. I found a forsythia seedling that had rooted itself at the base of a fence in our...
If you looked up the definition of versatility in the gardening dictionary it probably should just say “Hens and Chicks”; few plants rival its ability to adapt to a variety of growing...
What catches your attention in the garden? Is it a plant’s beauty, its color, its unusual shape or size? What is the major factor that catches your eye? If it is any of these or all of...