When it comes to indoor gardening, many people assume that houseplants are limited to species specifically bred for indoor environments. There are outdoor plants that can thrive as houseplants with the right care and conditions. These plants have the adaptability to survive and even thrive in an indoor environment.

One of the key factors to consider when choosing outdoor plants as houseplants is their ability to tolerate low-light conditions. Many outdoor plants are accustomed to receiving direct sunlight for a significant portion of the day but certain species have adapted to lower light levels and can still flourish indoors.

It's important to note that while these outdoor plants can make great houseplants, they still have specific care requirements. Adequate sunlight exposure or artificial lighting, proper watering schedules, and appropriate potting soil are essential for their well-being. By providing the right conditions, you can enjoy the beauty of outdoor plants inside your home all year round.

By exploring the world of outdoor plants that can make great houseplants, you can introduce a unique touch of nature into your home while enjoying their beauty and potential health benefits.

Here are five outdoor plants that make great houseplants:

Abutilon – Abutilon is also known as the Chinese lantern plant or flowering maple. Abutilon plants have beautiful and vibrant flowers. The flowers come in red, orange, yellow, and pink. The bright and eye-catching blooms can add a touch of color and beauty to any indoor space. They are easy to care for, making it suitable for both experienced gardeners and beginners. It thrives in moderate temperatures and can adapt well to indoor environments with proper care. It prefers bright but indirect light and should be placed near a window so it can receive ample sunlight. The plant’s attractive foliage adds visual interest even when it's not in bloom. The leaves are typically broad and have a velvety texture. They come in various shades of green and may have interesting patterns or variegation. The plant can purify the air by removing toxins such as formaldehyde from the environment. This makes it an excellent choice for improving indoor air quality. It prefers slightly moist soil but can tolerate periods of drought. Overwatering should be avoided as it can lead to root rot.

Begonia - Begonias are known for their vibrant and colorful blooms and can make a great addition to any indoor space. These versatile plants have several characteristics that make them ideal for indoor gardening. One is their ability to thrive in low-light conditions. This makes them perfect for rooms with limited natural sunlight or areas that are shaded by surrounding buildings. Their adaptability to various light levels ensures that they can still flourish and add beauty to your indoor space. Begonias have a compact growth habit, making them suitable for small spaces such as apartments or offices. With their neat and bushy foliage, they can be placed on tabletops, shelves, or even hanging baskets without taking up much room. These plants are relatively low-maintenance. They require regular watering but should not be overwatered as this can lead to root rot. With proper care and attention, including providing adequate drainage and allowing the soil to dry out slightly between waterings, begonias can thrive indoors with minimal effort. Begonia’s wide range of colors and leaf patterns to choose from, allow you to personalize your indoor space according to your preferences. Whether you prefer bold and bright blossoms or subtle pastel hues or interesting foliage like Rex Begonias, there is a begonia variety available that will suit your aesthetic taste.

Coleus – Coleus plants have grown in popularity as indoor plants due to their attractive and vibrant foliage. They are known for their versatility and ability to thrive in various indoor conditions. With a wide range of leaf shapes, colors, and patterns, they can add visual interest and enhance the aesthetics of any indoor space. Whether you prefer bold and dramatic leaves or delicate and intricate patterns, there is a coleus variety to suit every taste. These plants are also low maintenance and can tolerate lower light conditions. Their foliage might not be as vibrant compared to when you grow them outdoors so some indirect sunlight can help them thrive. Coleus are easy to propagate through cuttings.

Fuchsia – Fuchsia plants offer a range of benefits that make them an excellent choice for indoor gardening enthusiasts. These flowering plants can add a touch of elegance and beauty to any indoor space. The plants thrive in low-light conditions and can tolerate some shade, making them suitable for areas in your home that do not receive direct sunlight. This makes them an ideal choice for rooms with limited natural light or for those who live in apartments with north-facing windows. These plants also require moderate watering and prefer moist soil but not overly saturated conditions. This means that they are less demanding when it comes to watering compared to other houseplants. They are known for their long blooming period. With proper care and maintenance, these plants can produce an abundance of beautiful flowers throughout the year. Their pendulous flowers come in various colors such as pink, purple, red, and white, adding a vibrant splash of color to your indoor space. Fuchsia has a compact growth habit which makes it suitable for smaller spaces such as tabletops or hanging baskets. They can be easily pruned and shaped to maintain their desired size and form.

Oxalis triangularis – Oxalis is also known as purple shamrock or love plant. Indoors this plant can bring an aesthetic appeal. The distinctive deep purple foliage with triangular-shaped leaves adds a touch of elegance and visual interest to any room. This makes them perfect for enhancing the overall ambiance and decor of indoor spaces. They are low maintenance and do not like to be overwatered, making them ideal for those with busy lifestyles or limited gardening experience. They require moderate levels of light and can thrive in both natural and artificial light conditions. This adaptability makes them suitable for various indoor environments, including homes, offices, and even low-light areas. These plants have a compact growth habit, making them suitable for small spaces. Oxalis plants are grown from bulbs and will grow year-round indoors, which can cause the plant not to flower. If grown indoors the plant will need to be repotted to a larger container every year or two. These plants have an interesting characteristic known as nyctinasty - their leaves fold up at night and open during the day. This unique feature adds an element of fascination and intrigue to the plant's overall appeal.

Let us know if you grow any outdoor plants indoors!

Photo Credits:

Begonia and Coleus photos courtesy of Jill Mazur

Fuchsia photo courtesy of Green-Fuse Botanicals, Inc.

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