6 Practical Ways You Can Protect Birds

Birds are important for our environment and the ecosystem. They are vital for the pollination of plants and trees, which in turn, helps produce oxygen. They also keep other insects from destroying crops.

Without birds, there would be no food chain. Birds eat bugs and help control their population size by doing so. They also eat seeds that have fallen to the ground, helping to spread them around and plant new flowers or trees.

Here are six practical things you can do to help protect birds where you live:

Grow Native Plants - It is important to grow native plants because they provide food, shelter, and nesting sites for birds. Native plants help birds adapt to the local climate and soil conditions, which means that they require less water and fertilizer and reduce erosion.  These plants are more resilient to extreme weather conditions like drought, flooding, and high temperatures.

Identify Non-Native Invasive Plants And Work To Remove Them - Non-native invasive plants are plants that were introduced to an environment by humans, that can cause negative impacts on the environment. For example, they can take over an area, reducing biodiversity and altering the ecosystem.  These plants will take over your garden space, which means you won't have room for any other plants or flowers. They also need more water and nutrients than other plants do.

A Little Mess In The Garden Is Alright – By not cleaning up things in the garden, you will create a cover for birds during bad weather.  If you grow ornamental grass don’t cut it in the winter. The use of ornamental grass in the winter can be a great way to attract birds to your yard. Ornamental grasses provide cover and nesting sites for birds in the winter.

Have A Water Source In Your Garden – Water is one of the most important things for birds. They need water to drink, bathe, and keep their feathers clean since they cannot produce their own water from food as humans do. Water can also provide a habitat for insects that are eaten by birds, such as dragonflies or mosquitoes. Birds that live in cold climates will also use water to keep warm. Water is important for birds because it helps them stay healthy and hydrated. Birds can live without food for a long time, but they will die without water.

Reduce Or Stop Using Pesticides In The Garden – Pesticides are a major concern for birds. These chemicals can kill birds outright or contaminate their food sources and make them sick. Pesticides can be sprayed on plants and absorbed by the leaves. When birds feed on these leaves, they will ingest the pesticide and it will harm their health. One way to help birds out is not applying any pesticides when there are birds nesting or feeding in the garden. We can also protect plants from pests by using natural methods like neem oil, garlic, or soap spray. We can also make sure that we don’t use any harmful chemicals like weed killer on the lawns where birds feed or nest. Our article on Old Fashioned Pest Control might give you some ideas on this topic.

Make Windows Visible To Birds – Birds can die or be seriously injured when they unintentionally fly into a window. The reflections of the sky and landscape on the glass or even a houseplant attract the bird and can cause a collision. Try putting screens on your windows or even some decals. If you are not home, close your drapes or blinds.  Also, keep bird feeders away from the windows, which will reduce birds flying in that direction.

If you have other ways, you help protect birds, please let us know.

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