Houseplants have been around forever but interest in them has been growing during the pandemic.  According to a recent garden trends report from Garden Media, this interest is going to continue to grow.  The demand for these plants will be even greater.  In other articles, we have written about the health benefits these plants offer and they also offer style to your home decor.  People love houseplants for their home and office and people are creating garden rooms and bringing nature indoors.   

One of the new trends is for indoor trees.  Here are a few you can try adding to your home next year:

Areca Palm Tree – Areca Palm is one of the most popular houseplants sold and is also known as butterfly palm, golden cane palm, and Dypsis lutescens.  The plant is native to Madagascar and has feathery, soft leaves that arch upwards off several reed-like stems, resembling butterfly wings.  This plant requires bright indirect light.  If the plant gets too much light or direct sunlight it can burn the plant and turn them yellow.  It needs moist soil but it should not be soggy. Allow the soil to dry out before watering. Do not let the plant sit in wet soil.  This plant is also sensitive to low temperatures.  These plants prefer temperatures between 65°-75° during the day and around 55° at night. High humidity is very important to keep this plant healthy.

Citrus Tree – If you have a bright sunny location, why not consider growing a citrus tree.  They need plenty of light to thrive.  A south-facing location with good air circulation is important as well as making sure the plant is out of direct heat or drafts.  You can grow it for its fruit or just keep it as an ornamental tree.  If you want it to produce fruit it will need at least 4 hours of direct sunlight.   Look for a dwarf variety, as these are easier to grow indoors.  Some of the more popular dwarf varieties are Meyer Lemon, Key Lime, Kumquat, and Clementine Mandarin Orange.  These trees can thrive in an indoor environment but they are going to need a lot of care as there are many stress factors to look out for including lower humidity, higher and dryer temperatures and watering methods.  If the leaves start to curl on a citrus plant that is a sign they are not getting enough water.   The plant needs to be fertilized twice a year with a citrus fertilizer, once in the spring and once in the summer. 

Dragon Tree – This tree is also known as Dracaena marginata or Madagascar Dragon Tree.  It is an exotic houseplant that is easy to grow.  The plant has a bamboo-like stem with spiny, thin leaves that are edged in red.  It grows best in bright, indirect light. If the plant is placed in a location with less light, you will notice the plant does not grow as fast when compared to a bright location.  A brighter location can also bring out brighter colors in the leaves.  Dragon Tree likes to be in temperatures that do not go below the 60-degree range at night. Since they prefer humid conditions, keep them away from air conditioning or heating vents and drafty areas.  If the soil feels dry when you stick your finger in it, the plant needs watering.  Cut back water in the winter months.  Fertilize this plant every six months with a houseplant fertilizer.  These houseplants can be repotted at any time during the year. 

Money Tree – I have had one of these trees for more than 10 years.  It is also known as Pachira aquatic or kapok tree.  The evergreen plant brings the promise of great fortune and positive energy according to the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui.  The tree is native to tropical wetlands and is commonly found in swampland and along wet river banks in Central and South America.  Usually, this plant has a braided trunk.  The thick trunk allows it to store water during drier, hotter times of the year.  The plant has shiny green palmate leaves.  In its native environment, it can grow to around 26 feet.  As a houseplant, they typically can grow 4-5 feet.  This tree needs to be kept near a bright window where it receives indirect light. In addition, shelter this plant from drafts. The Money Tree requires moderate watering.

Olive Tree – Although this is typically an outdoor plant, it is becoming popular as an indoor plant. These ancient trees make a sophisticated statement with their delicate, soft green leaves with thin grey branches.  Since they like being outdoors, make sure you put them in a sunny location in your home that gets at least 6 hours of direct sun a day, a southern exposure would be preferable.  Move them outside occasionally for some UV light.  Make sure the leaves do not touch the window as they can get burnt. This is another tree that does best indoors as a dwarf variety. Dwarf varieties can grow up to 6 feet indoors but can be kept smaller by pruning them.  This tree is native to the Mediterranean, so they will tolerate dry air, therefore they will not need any additional humidity.

Let us know your favorite houseplant tree!

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