It is good to experiment with growing new plants because you can use this as an opportunity to learn about their needs. You will be able to learn how to care for them and grow them in different environments. This is a good way to get more knowledge on how plants work, what they need, and what they don't need. This information can be used in the future when you are looking at buying a new plant or trying to grow one from a seed.

An additional advantage to trying new plants is that gardening can be a great way to spend time with your family and get some fresh air. There are many plants that are easy to grow, require little maintenance, and can provide a lot of benefits.

Growing edibles in your garden is an excellent way to save money and get healthy food. The most important part of gardening is choosing the edibles you want to grow. You can grow any edible you like, but some are better suited for certain climates than others. Some edibles like peppers and tomatoes are more difficult to grow in colder climates, while others such as spinach do well in cooler temperatures.

There are now new edibles that can be grown in a garden bed or on a balcony. The most important thing is to do some research about the plant before you plant it, so you know the best way for it to grow!

Here are seven unique edibles to consider growing this year:

Broccoli Burgundy – This pretty plant has purple florets on top of green stems. The tender green stems are sweet, and the dark sprouts are great for munching raw. Purple broccolis are known for being quite tender, flavorful, and full of antioxidants.  Many burgundy broccoli plants need cool temperatures, but this plant tolerates a wider range of temperatures which means you have a longer growing season. 

Cauliflower Clementine Hybrid – The deep orange cauliflower head will not grow unnoticed in your garden.  The plant produces medium-sized heads that have a mild, sweet, and nutty flavor. It tolerates heat and can be eaten grilled, raw, roasted, sauteed, or steamed.

Cucumber Mexican Sour Gherkin – These tiny cucumbers look like miniature watermelons but have the sweet cucumber flavor combined with a tangy sourness. They can be used in salads, snacks, and pickling.  The plant can be grown in a hanging basket or climbing on a trellis.

Everleaf Thai Towers Basil – This Thai Basil plant has an aromatic and vibrant licorice flavor to complement Thai cuisine.  This variety is a tidy, towering plant and has huge harvest potential. Its shape makes it perfect for growing in containers or in your garden. The leaves have occasional purple flecks and soft purple stems that add interest to any garden.

Tomato DarkStar – This beefsteak tomato has large fruit with the flavor of an heirloom but is disease resistant and provides a great yield. The tomato is pigmented and has a complex sweet-sour flavor. Try growing these vigorous, productive plants in your garden.

Tomato Marzito – This small, versatile fruit resembles a small Roma tomato with its elongated shape. It grows 2 ¼ inches long by ¾ inches wide. The tomato has a flesh that has a firm texture and a sweet, rich flavor. It is a versatile tomato as you can eat it right off the vine, use it for cooking, or canning.

Pepper Candy Cane Chocolate Cherry – This little snacking pepper looks and tastes delicious. It grows 3 1/2 inches long and 2 1/2 inches wide.  First, it will be green with white stripes, and as it grows and matures it turns red with white and finally chocolate with red stripes.  It is sweet and crispy.  It can be grown in your vegetable garden or in a container.

Let us know if you are going to try any of these edibles.

Photos courtesy of Ball Seed Company and Burpee. 

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