Houseplants, in particular, need good care during the winter season. Growing conditions in your home change slightly due to this colder, darker time of year. You will need to modify your care to keep your plants lush and thriving.

To keep your plants happy here are seven tips to help them during this cooler period:

Watch The Temperature – During this time of year your home temperature is acceptable for your houseplants. There is a need to be cognizant of extreme temperature changes. A draft of cold or warm air can stress out your plant, which is used to a stable environment. Keep your plants away from open windows, fireplaces, heating units, air vents, and radiators. Most houseplants enjoy a temperature around 75°F.

Monitor Sunlight – In the winter, the sun comes up later and sets earlier in the day, so your plants will receive less sunlight. If you can, try moving your plants closer to the window so they get more sunlight. Rotate all of your plants each week, so all parts of the plants get access to the sun. This will help them from visibly leaning towards the light source. If you think a plant needs additional light, try a grow light.

Cut Back On Watering – Less light will mean less watering. This time of year, your plants go into a state of dormancy or semi-dormancy. You will definitely be watering them less than you did in the spring and summer when they are growing. If you were watering them once a week, it might change to every two weeks. Wait until the potting soil has dried out completely before you water the plant. Lean towards underwatering your plants.

Stop Fertilizing – With our plants in a slower phase, they do not need the nutrients fertilizers provide. They are not really growing and producing new leaves, so give them a break until the spring when active growth occurs.

Clean Your Plant – With your windows closed there is an increased chance of dust accumulating on plant leaves. The increase of dust and dirt can cause a reduction in the amount of light the plant absorbs. To clean your plant gently dust off the leaves every few weeks with a soft, damp cloth.

Don’t Worry About Leaf Loss – When moving your plants from being outdoors, there will be leaf loss. With the reduction in sunlight, this might also happen. This is the way your plant adjusts to these changes, and you have nothing to worry about.

Lay Off Repotting – The best time to repot a plant is when it is actively growing, so do this in the spring and summer. Doing this in the winter will shock the plant which is in a state of dormancy or semi-dormancy.

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