Minerva Amaryllis

Minerva Amaryllis has large, red flowers that measure up to 7 inches across with a white star and lime green center. The blooms will last for weeks and brighten up your home. The flower will bloom 6-10 weeks after planting.  The plant grows 20-24 inches tall. Bulb size: 34+ cm.  Hardiness zone 9-11. Receive one bulb in your order. 

Planting Instructions: Put 2" of potting soil in a pot at least 6" in diameter. Set the Amaryllis bulb in the pot and spread out the roots. (Roots must remain undamaged). Gently pack more potting soil between the roots and around the bulb, covering 2/3 of the bulb and leaving 1/3 of the bulb above the soil line.

Regularly $24.00

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Price: $17.99


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